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Roi De L'Agbadja Moderne 74-83

Artist: Gnonnas Pedro & His Dadjes Band
Label: Analog Africa

Another Analog Africa sureshot featuring 16 songs from Gnonnas Pedro. Gatefold double vinyl with 8 page booklet insert.

SIde A:
Dadje Von O Von Non "83"
Azo Nkplon Doun Nde 
Mo Ngbadun Re
Fini Les Pavés 

Side B:
Feso Jaiye 
Tu Es Tout Seul
Yiri Yiri Boum

Side C:
Agbadja Moderne No2 
L'Indomptable Gnonnas
Bailando Mi Solo

Side D:
Gbeto Enon Mon
El Cochechivo
Ati Mawuin Dagamasi

Double Vinyl Album £32.99

Yellow dude

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