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Steel Zakuski

Artist: Don Leisure
Label: Group BraCil

Dope new instrumental outing from the always excellent Don Leisure on Group Bracil.

Random orange or black vinyl, no way of telling from the cover, but we've got some of each, so it's pot luck which version you get!

Side A:
Intro / Death From Above
The Red Sect
One For Jonna
Russian Milk
Valerie’s Fate
Spinning Piledriver
Surfing Ussr
The VIY Creep
Belka And Strelka
Mosgov’s Lament

Side B:
Flight of Laika
Worker And Parasite
Red Cyclone
Rvydas Sabonis
B5-Drums 4 Mother Russia
Theme For Maria Kezah
Double Lariat
Soviet Bounce
Kurgan Wheels / Outro

Single Vinyl LP £17.99

Yellow dude

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